VdL: Difficult economic situation will leave its mark on the printing ink industry in 2023
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A difficult market environment, disrupted supply chains and a weakening industry in China weighed heavily on the German coatings and printing inks industry last year.

The printing inks segment was also particularly affected last year. With a decline of 13%, this industry sector stands out. The volume of printing inks sold for packaging and the graphic arts industry fell to 183,000 (211,000) tonnes. Sales also fell by a double-digit figure of 10% and totalled €810 million, explained Peter Jansen, President of the Association of the German Paint and Printing Ink Industry (VdL) at a press conference in Frankfurt.
The number of paints and coatings sold in Germany fell by around 3% to a total of 1.47 million tonnes in 2023 (2022: 1.53 million tonnes). The turnover of the quantities sold rose by just under 2% to € 6.1 billion compared to the previous year.