Valmet delivers all main process islands and automation for Metsä Fibre's Kemi bioproduct mill in Finland
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Valmet and Metsä Fibre, which is part of Metsä Group, have finalized the agreement for the key technology delivery covering all main process islands and automation systems for Metsä Fibre's Kemi bioproduct mill in Finland.

The new bioproduct mill will have an annual pulp production capacity of 1.5 million tonnes and in addition produce various other bioproducts. The new totally fossil fuel free mill is scheduled to start-up in the third quarter 2023.
The order is included in Valmet's orders received of the first quarter 2021. The value of the order covering the core equipment supplied by Valmet, is about EUR 350-400 million.
“We want the best professionals in their field to partner with us to build a modern bioproduct mill in Kemi. We expect our partners to commit to the goals of the project in terms of safety, schedule and quality. Valmet operates in accordance with these principles and is able to supply our bioproduct mill with the best available technology (BAT). As an example, the sulfuric acid plant represents even more advanced technology. The very high environmental efficiency of the mill is achieved by combining the expertise of our staff and the technology of the mill,” says Jari-Pekka Johansson, Director of the bioproduct mill project at Metsä Fibre.
“The Kemi bioproduct mill is a trailblazing investment for which Metsä Group has chosen the most environmentally efficient and sustainable solutions. Valmet delivers all the key technology processes for the mill and offers the full benefits of our innovative full scope offering consisting of process technology, automation and services. The solutions represent leading sustainability performance with minimized emission and with the efficient utilization of side streams. As an example, sulfuric acid, which is used in mill processes, is produced using the mills odorous gases," says Bertel Karlstedt, Pulp and Energy Business Line President at Valmet.
“The mill’s advanced mill-wide automation system will be delivered with our latest technology. Valmet’s innovative web-based Valmet DNA User Interface will form the core for intelligent control of mill’s operations and maintenance. It enables efficient collaboration by letting the mill teams access relevant information securely whenever needed, regardless of their location. The delivery also includes integrated industrial internet applications to help optimize the mill’s production efficiency,” says Sami Riekkola, Automation Business Line President at Valmet.
Complete mill delivery
Valmet will deliver the full production process from wood handling to baling, designed to produce both softwood and hardwood pulp, as well as automation system for the whole mill including features from Valmet’s Industrial Internet (VII) offering. In addition, as part of the project, Valmet delivers a rebuild of the existing fiber line.
Valmet's project delivery includes engineering and supply of the main process equipment, as well as management of construction and start-up partly with an Open Book delivery model. Project’s degree of Finnish origin is estimated above 60%.
“The delivery will have an important employment impact on Valmet and its subcontractors especially in Finland. The employment impact of Valmet's project delivery is expected to be around 800 man-years, out of which about 500 man-years in Finland. Safety, close cooperation and open communication are the key success factors to ensure we reach the shared quality, schedule and cost targets,” says Risto Hokajärvi, Project Director, Pulp and Energy, Valmet.
Technical details of Valmet’s delivery
The mill will feature leading process technology and the most advanced automation systems. Valmet's delivery includes the wood handling, cooking and fiber line, pulp drying and baling, evaporation, recovery boiler, recausticizing, lime kiln, biomass dryer, gasifier, ash crystallization, mill-wide non-condensable gases (NCG) handling solution and electrostatic precipitators (ESP) for the recovery boiler and lime kiln. Valmet will also deliver the sulfuric acid plant with an extended scope of supply including construction. In addition, Valmet will deliver rebuild of the existing fiber line including new chip feeding and washing systems.
The wood handling includes log infeed system with de-icing, debarking, chipping, log washing, sand and stones removal system, chip storages, and bark and water handling system. The new wood room produces chips both to the new and to the modernized fiberline. The system is designed for low wood losses, superior and even chip quality as well as high availability and easy maintenance.
The fiberline includes the latest generation of Valmet’s Continuous Cooking technology G3 and TwinRoll wash presses to reach excellent energy efficiency, high end-product quality, high environmental performance with low effluent flows and COD (chemical oxygen demand) levels.
Pulp drying and baling line includes many advanced features to secure safe and easy operation and combined with dedicated automation and control systems makes the operations efficient needing minimum human intervention.
The recovery line, including white liquor plant, evaporation, recovery boiler and ash crystallization, together with mill-wide NCG handling and ESPs, is tailored for high energy efficiency and minimized emissions. The recovery boiler includes modern high-power features and the energy efficiency of the mill is further improved with energy integration between evaporation and cooking processes. The ESPs are optimized for the bioproduct mill operations, to reach high availability and very low dust emissions in heavy process conditions. The limekiln is fossil-free, using product gas, which is produced from dried and gasified bark, as fuel.
The mill-wide automation delivery includes Valmet DNA control system, plant information management system, advanced process controls (APC), analyzers and online measurements, and dedicated systems for pulp dryer. The Valmet Industrial Internet features include simulators and optimizers for selected process islands as well as Valmet Performance Center connectivity.