Valmet and CMPC have finalized the agreement for major technology and automation delivery for Guaíba pulp mill’s modernization project in Brazil

Valmet and CMPC have finalized the agreement of which Valmet and CMPC signed a letter of intent in September 2021 (Valmet’s press release on September 20, 2021). According to the agreement, Valmet will deliver key technology and automation for CMPC’s BioCMPC project. The target is to modernize and increase the production capacity of the Guaíba pulp mill’s line 2 from 1.5 million ADt/y (air dry tonnes per year) to 1.85 million ADt/y. The upgraded mill is expected to start operation in the fourth quarter of 2023.

The order is included in Valmet's orders received of the fourth quarter 2021. The value of the order is not disclosed.

Valmet will deliver key technology and automation for CMPC’s BioCMPC project.
© Valmet Corporation
Source:  Company news

BioCMPC project’s main targets are to both increase the sustainability of the pulp mill and modernize the production technology. The project will include new control and environmental management measures across the mill. The project has been carefully designed, based on CMPC's mission to sustainably produce and market wood, pulp, paper and tissue products of first-rate quality that are competitive, add value and create development opportunities for its employees and local communities.

“CMPC has chosen the most environmentally efficient and sustainable solutions. Valmet’s delivery offers the full benefits of our unique offering consisting of process technology, automation and services. We will continue the excellent cooperation by improving the mill performance and including more industrial internet solutions combined with expert services on site and remotely,” says Celso Tacla, Area President, South America, Valmet.

“We provide the mill with our latest technological innovations designed for high efficiency which will allow the mill to be one of the most sustainable mills in Brazil with low environmental impact. The project will have a significant employment impact both for our engineering, production and project execution in Brazil and the Nordics,” says Bertel Karlstedt, Business Line President, Pulp and Energy, Valmet.

“Valmet was chosen to be the key technology and automation provider for the BioCMPC project, and we are very happy to participate in this innovative and modern project. All equipment and solutions included in this project represent proven technology that provides better environmental performance and increased production efficiency. The project brings benefits to the customer, community as well as local and global environment,” says Fernando Scucuglia, Director, Pulp and Energy, South America, Valmet.

Technical information about the delivery
Valmet’s delivery for the Guaíba pulp mill line 2 modernization will include rebuild of the pulp drying, fiberline, evaporation and white liquor plant, a new recovery boiler and new ash treatment, and extended distributed control system including advanced industrial internet features. The technology delivery is supported by spare parts packages. The upgraded line is optimized for high reliability and performance with low environmental impact.

The pulp drying line upgrade will increase the drying and baling capacity and performance with the same high operational safety requirements that always guide Valmet’s projects. The upgrade includes improvements to screening and drying, automatic tail threading and an additional baling line.

The fiberline upgrade includes cooking plant technology update, fiberline improvements in brown stock and post oxygen washing and a new additional bleaching stage. The upgrade gives flexibility to minimize water usage and effluent generation improving the fiberline sustainability and environmental KPIs.

The recovery island modernization includes capacity increase of the recaustisizing and lime kiln, evaporation plant upgrade to eight effects, new high-power recovery boiler with electrostatic precipitators (ESP) and ash treatment with Ash Leaching Duo technology. The recovery island modernization emphasizes high energy efficiency and low emissions. The collection and handling of the mill’s odorous gases is further improved with NCG upgrades across process islands.

The automation delivery includes Valmet DNA distribute control system, advanced process controls (APC) for selected process areas, analyzers and online measurements.

The delivery is supported with extensive Valmet Industrial Internet (VII) services package with onsite and remote expert support. The VII services include Valmet Performance Center support, Data Discovery, Dynamic Center Line Advisor, Performance Monitoring tools and Operator Training Simulator.