Valmet and Anhui Shanying in China extend the unique roll service and condition monitoring agreement for a further three years

Valmet and Shanying International Holdings Co., Ltd., have signed an agreement for an additional three years of Valmet’s roll maintenance and condition monitoring services at the company's Anhui mill in China.

Valmet Corporation
© Valmet Corporation
Source:  Company news

The services cover roll grinding, recovering and reconditioning, roll condition monitoring and vibration analysis for five board machines together with on-site investigation and Valmet Industrial Internet remote analysis and diagnosis by Valmet’s roll experts.

Roll condition monitoring with Valmet DNA Machine Monitoring systems has been operating at the site since 2017 when the first roll maintenance and condition monitoring service agreement started. As a result of the original agreement and long-term collaboration with Valmet, the mill has seen increased roll lifetimes with significant reductions in unplanned downtime and roll regrinding.

“The extensive mill personnel training for Valmet DNA Machine Monitoring supported by our vibration experts via a secure data connection makes full use of the mill’s roll condition monitoring systems. The extended service agreement will continue to ensure the level of equipment maintenance and management is at the forefront of the industry. It also demonstrates the value of the service agreement through achieving mutually set targets,” says Shiming Xu, Service Director, China, Automation, Valmet.

Technical information about Valmet DNA Machine Monitoring and Valmet Industrial Internet remote analysis and diagnosis by Valmet roll experts

Valmet DNA Machine Monitoring offers machine and roll condition information for process operators and maintenance personnel through one common user interface. Operators are immediately alerted if there is a risk of machine/roll failure and indicators of roll condition, while the paper machines are running, are easily analyzed.

A secure Valmet Industrial Internet remote connection allows Valmet experts to provide an agreed level of remote diagnostic support for machine problems and roll maintenance decisions. The preventive maintenance aspect of Valmet’s roll service is greatly enhanced with continuous condition monitoring to extend roll lifetime, optimize maintenance intervals and identify roll or felt issues.