UPM wants job cuts at paper mill in Dörpen without layoffs

As part of the permanent shutdown of paper machine 3 in Dörpen at the end of 2024, UPM Nordland will cut slightly more than 200 jobs as planned.

EUWID Papier und Zellstoff
© EUWID Papier und Zellstoff
Source:  Company news

The workforce at the mill will be reduced to around 1,300 employees as a result of the restructuring. An agreement has been reached between plant management and employee representatives. According to the company, the talks on the reconciliation of interests and social plan were intensive and constructive.

According to the plan, redundancies for operational reasons are to be avoided. The individual job reduction measures are to be completed in 2026.

UPM Communication Papers reported on the permanent shutdown of the 280,000 tpy PM 3 at the Nordland Papier mill in Dörpen in May of this year.