Toscotec to supply a Yankee hoods upgrade to UnionPel in Argentina

Argentinian leading packaging paper and tissue producer UnionPel selected Toscotec to supply a technological upgrade of PM1 at their Pacheco mill in the province of Buenos Aires. The project is scheduled for the first half of 2024.

UnionPel’s TT Hood at Toscotec’s headquarters facility in Lucca, Italy.
© Toscotec S.p.A.
Source:  Company news

Long-established cooperation
UnionPel started its cooperation with Toscotec in 2016 with the replacement of PM1’s cast iron Yankee with a TT SYD Steel Yankee Dryer. Followed in 2018 by the rebuild of the existing hoods with Toscotec’s TT Hood-Hybrid and air system on PM1.

Technological upgrade
This new order involves an upgrade of the existing hybrid system configuration, where heated air is blown on the paper in the wet-end and only extraction is applied in the dry end. In order to increase PM1’s drying capacity, Toscotec will install a TT Hood-Duo system with two separate circuits of heated air, one to the wet end hood and the other to the dry end. The new air system configuration will achieve a 20% production increase. Toscotec will also install TT Swing, an energy-efficient solution that according to the production requirements, regulates the air system operation mode to deliver flexibility and energy saving in the drying section of the tissue machine.

Carlos Paz, Werksleiter bei UnionPel Pacheco, sagt: "UnionPel hat in Toscotec den richtigen Technologiepartner für drei Projekte in acht Jahren gefunden. Dieses neue Upgrade wird unsere Produktionskapazität und Effizienz erhöhen und unsere Wettbewerbsfähigkeit auf dem argentinischen Tissue-Markt steigern."

Gabriele Romanini, Sales Manager bei Toscotec, sagt: "Wir freuen uns, diese langjährige Partnerschaft mit UnionPel fortzusetzen. Die Technologie von Toscotec hat das Wachstum von UnionPel zunehmend unterstützt und wir werden diesen Weg mit diesem zusätzlichen Schritt zur Steigerung der Trocknungskapazität und Energieeffizienz fortsetzen."