Toscotec starts up Energy Saving upgrade at AB Grigeo Group in Lithuania

Toscotec has started up a high efficiency TT SteamBooster steam generation system at one of the AB Grigeo Group’s mill UAB Grigeo Tissue in Grigiskes, Lithuania. The new TT SteamBooster was implemented into the hood and steam systems of their PM6, a Toscotec-supplied AHEAD tissue line that came online in 2015.

Toscotec-supplied AHEAD tissue machine (PM6) at UAB Grigeo Tissue’s facility in Grigiskes, Lithuania.
© Toscotec S.p.A.
Source:  Company news

A cost-effective technological upgrade
The new TT SteamBooster recovers the heat from the hood’s exhaust air to generate high pressure steam using the condensate coming from the Steel Yankee Dryer. The generated steam goes back to the steam line and is used directly to feed the Yankee. TT SteamBooster was integrated into the tissue machine’s Distributed Control System (DCS) to guarantee effortless operation. It offers a standalone control system, which in case of a retrofit would make it easy to operate on any tissue making line, also in consideration of its compact design and low impact installation requirements.

Targets achieved: 25% Energy Savings & Carbon Reduction
TT SteamBooster slashed the boiler’s gas consumption by up to 25%, thereby ensuring a reduction of the associated carbon emissions. After stably producing high quality steam for more than a month, the new steam generation system has achieved the project’s targets. Its easy operation derives from the fact that it doesn’t require any regulations based on the machine’s production and calls for minimal maintenance after start-up.

Almantas Tamošiūnas, General Manager of UAB Grigeo Tissue, states, “We care deeply about our company, the environment, and the future generations who will live here. We are pleased to announce that our reduction and emissions-saving targets were achieved in the very first month after start-up. We extend our thanks to Toscotec for their seamless implementation of this project, all the way from concept to launch.”

Leonardo Micheli, Application Engineer at Toscotec, says, “The great cooperation we’ve had with UAB Grigeo Tissue’s team from day one was critical for the on-schedule achievement of the energy saving targets of this project. The drying efficiency of their AHEAD line was already high, but because of the continuous advancement of Toscotec’s technology, we were able to reach an even higher bar of savings.”