Thimm reorganizes display business: Production in Wörrstadt to be discontinued

The economic situation in Germany is currently characterized by many challenges. The demands on the display market have also changed increasingly in recent years. Since the coronavirus pandemic in particular - in the years in which many events and their marketing campaigns were canceled - demand for complex and creative promotional displays for the retail sector has fallen significantly. Instead, consumer goods manufacturers in the retail sector are increasingly relying on less complex standard displays. Thimm is responding to these changing market requirements by realigning its display business to focus on efficient standard solutions in future. Against this backdrop, Thimm will discontinue the production of complex display solutions in order to better meet changing customer needs. As a result, the production site in Wörrstadt will be closed on June 30, 2025.

Production site in Wörrstadt
© THIMM Group GmbH + Co. KG
Source:  Company news

In addition to standard displays, the Wörrstadt plant mainly manufactures individual sales displays and large displays and assembles or glues them manually - a segment in which demand is declining. In recent years, Thimm has therefore invested in the site in order to expand it as a specialty location for other market segments in addition to the display business. In view of the overall economic developments in the display and packaging market, however, operating an independent specialty location in Wörrstadt - also due to its proximity to the Thimm corrugated cardboard plant in Alzey - is no longer economically viable. The production of standard displays, which are in high demand, will be integrated into the Group's existing packaging plants. The machines installed outside the display business will be relocated to other packaging plants in the long term.

The workforce at the Wörrstadt plant was informed of the site closure at a staff meeting; the works council was also informed. Around 90 Thimm Display employees are affected by this measure. Thimm is endeavoring to support all affected employees in planning their future, if necessary by filling vacancies in other Thimm companies. The employment agency will be informed about the process.