Thimm commits to electricity from renewable energy sources

Thimm, the family business, will purchase its electricity in future from renewable energy sources. The transition of all Thimm sites to climate-neutral green electricity is planned for 2021. This measure will enable the company to reduce future CO2emissions by more than 30 percent. CO2-neutral electricity is mainly sourced from hydroelectric power plants.

Electricity from renewable energy resources
© THIMM Group GmbH + Co. KG
Source:  Company news

The company plans to convert all production and office locations to green electricity. This will contribute still further to the sustainable use of resources within the corporate group. As Mathias Schliep, Chairman of the Management Board Thimm Group explains: “Our paper-based packaging solutions have always been made from renewable raw materials and can be fully recycled. We are delighted that with this planned transition, we will now be purchasing climate-neutral electricity to produce our packaging. Our packaging will now have an even more sustainable climate impact and we are taking another step to reduce our CO2footprint.”

Thimm Group firmly embedded the efficient use of energy in its operations several years ago. In 2013 the first production plants were certified in accordance with the DIN EN ISO 50001 standard and were tasked with continuously implementing an improvement in energy-related performance. “Switching from grey electricity to green electricity is a logical consequence of our previous measures,” continues Schliep. “Our new energy concept which is currently being integrated into the corporate strategy will define measurable energy targets. This will enable us to monitor our ecological use of resources over the long term.”

Thimm Group's most recent electricity consumption was 54,350,000 kilowatt hours. Consumption in the last four years has increased by 4.2 percent, which is proportionately considerably less than the growth in production volume. Schliep continues, “Our investments in modern technologies and innovative production facilities are paying off here. These are already leading to energy savings in the medium term. By switching to green electricity, we will avoid using an estimated 19,131 tonnes of CO2 per year.”

Depending on regional availability, the green electricity for the German sites is sourced from hydroelectric power plants. Thimm's plants in France and Eastern Europe are planning the conversion with the local electricity suppliers, who will then apply the necessary labels on the green electricity certificates.

Schliep concludes: “At Thimm economic successes and corporate responsibility are closely interlinked. We anticipate ecological, economic and social challenges in advance so we can confront them with success. This also enables us to provide the best solutions for those customers who have increased requirements in terms of sustainability. As a responsible family business we always act sustainably and plan for the future in our thinking. We are well on the way to achieving our strategic vision.”