The groom's oak - A tree receives letters from all over the world
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In the Dodau forest near Eutin in Schleswig-Holstein stands a very special oak tree: the groom's oak. With over 500 years on its trunk, a height of 25 metres and a circumference of 5 metres, it is not only impressive on the outside, but also has a unique story to tell.

What makes the groom's oak so extraordinary is its own postal address. It is the first tree in the world to be given this honour. If you would like to write a letter to it, simply address it to: Bräutigamseiche, Dodauer Forst, 23701 Eutin. The postman then deposits the letters in a hole in the branch, which serves as a letterbox.
The origin of the name
But where does the name groom's oak come from? Legend has it that Miss Ohrt, the daughter of a forester, and the chocolate manufacturer Schütte-Felsche tied the knot under the oak tree in 1891. Beforehand, they had secretly exchanged love letters through the knothole in the oak tree, as the bride's father was initially against the union. The wedding marked the birth of the name Groom's Oak.
Letters from all over the world
The groom's oak receives mail from all over the world. People from Africa, China, Japan, Poland, Russia, Scandinavia, South America and Taiwan write to the tree. Anyone can take the letters out of the knothole, read them and reply. In this way, the oak tree brings people who want to get married into contact with each other and has already created many a marriage.
A tree that connects
Since then, the groom's oak has been the fountainhead of over a hundred marriages - even international ones. It connects lonely hearts and has become a symbol of love that is known far beyond the borders of Schleswig-Holstein. The groom's oak shows that sometimes you just have to be in the right place at the right time to find happiness - or simply write to a special tree.