Stock of single-ply, grey toilet paper lasted for 12 years

In 2006, an employee of the municipality of Fuchstal in the district of Landsberg am Lech (Germany) ordered two packaging units of single-ply toilet paper.

Stock of toilet paper
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However, a packaging unit is not a pack of toilet paper with 8 rolls (as he probably mistakenly thought), but a complete truck load of toilet paper. The employee realised his mistake when a lorry full of toilet paper suddenly pulled up outside the door.

Fortunately, the second packaging unit could still be cancelled, but a full truck load had to be accepted.

Storage caused additional difficulties - the huge amount of toilet paper had to be stored in every closet and drawer.

However, as the grey toilet paper was only single-ply and not exactly soft, many employees preferred to bring their own toilet paper from home. And so the truck load of toilet paper lasted until 2019 - for 12 years.

White, two-ply toilet paper was then ordered in 2019 - and hardly anyone misses the old toilet paper. And the bulk order 12 years ago actually led to a saving of €1,000. However, it was probably the employees who brought their own toilet paper who paid for the "saving"...

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