SCA plans price increase for NBSK pulp
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The Swedish pulp producer SCA has announced a price increase for northern bleached long fiber sulphate pulp (NBSK) in Europe.

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The prices for northern bleached long fiber sulphate pulp (NBSK) are to increase by 50 US$/t. The new price of 1,530 US$/t will take effect from February 1, SCA wrote in a press release in mid-January.
According to the statement, there have been improvements on several global markets. In addition, the stocks of pulp manufacturers are decreasing, SCA explains the planned measure.
SCA has a total production capacity of 1.2 million tons of pulp per year, 900,000 tons per year of which is NBSK pulp.
Company profile: EUWID Papier und Zellstoff, Germany, Gernsbach
Company profile: Svenska Cellulosa Aktiebolaget SCA, Sweden, Sundsvall