Klabin’s new targets to reduce greenhouse gas emissions are approved by the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi)

- The company is now targeting a 42% reduction in scopes 1 and 2 emissions and another 42% reduction exclusively in scope 3 emissions.
- The ambition to become Net Zero by 2050 continues to advance as well, now with the goal of reducing scopes 1 and 2 emissions by 90% and scope 3 emissions by 90%.

Solutions for a sustainable future
© IKPC Indústrias Klabin de Papel e Celulose S.A.
Source:  Company news

Klabin, Brazil's largest producer and exporter of softwood pulp, fluff, packaging paper and sustainable solutions in paper packaging, Klabin has obtained approval for new targets to reduce its greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi), which aims to drive ambitious actions in the private sector, ensuring that companies set science-based emission reduction targets.

The new target considers the reduction, by 2030, of 42% in emissions of scopes 1 (own emissions) and 2 (emissions related to purchased energy), as well as another 42% reduction in scope 3 emissions (indirect emissions that occur in the value chain). The new Net Zero target, which considers long-term decarbonization, was approved as well, through which the company will seek to reduce absolute GHG emissions of scopes 1 and 2 by 90% and scope 3 emissions by 90% by 2050. All targets now consider 2022 as the base year for the calculation.

"Klabin has entered a new phase of ambition and maturity, as evidenced by the approval of its GHG emission reduction targets by the SBTi.. This achievement demonstrates our commitment to decarbonization beyond our mills. We are firmly committed to sustainable growth and increasingly seeking to contribute effectively to the fight against global warming,” explained Francisco Razzolini, director of Research & Development, Sustainability and Innovation at Klabin.

Historically, Klabin has been reducing its emissions. The recent approval by the SBTi elevates the company to a new level, which requires greater efforts to achieve scope 3 targets related to emissions originating from third parties, which are not directly controlled by the company. “We believe that working together has the greatest potential for impactful actions and we will continue to engage our suppliers and clients, assisting them and sharing our experiences of reducing emissions towards decarbonization,” concluded Razzolini.