Sappi successfully presents sustainable packaging solutions

At this year's FACHPACK, which took place in Nuremberg from September 27-29, Sappi presented its latest products and solutions in the areas of flexible packaging papers, barrier papers, label papers, corrugated board papers and virgin fiber board. This year, the world's leading manufacturer of packaging papers placed a special focus on the barrier and label paper segments.

Sappi successfully presented sustainable packaging solutions at Fachpack
© Sappi Europe S.A.
Source:  Company news
  • Successful wet-glue label paper Parade Label Pro makes a brilliant impression
  • Investment in the expansion of label paper production at the Gratkorn site
  • Algro Design Nature shines thanks to printed "Metal Ink" premium finishing

During the three-day FACHPACK trade show in Nuremberg, experts from the European packaging industry exchanged ideas and insights. As one of the leading companies for renewable packaging materials, Sappi presented sustainable and innovative solutions for barrier papers, flexible packaging papers, corrugated papers, label papers and virgin fiber board.

Successful on the market: Parade Label Pro wet-glue label paper.
Sappi presented its extensive range of wet glue label papers at the show - including new grammages of Parade Label Pro. Sappi had added this new grade to its product portfolio of non-wet glue wet label papers in mid-2021. The paper is ideal for a wide range of labeling and flexible packaging applications, such as labels for disposable bottles, food and non-food containers, and wrappers for various products, and has been very well received by the market. The glossy Parade Label Pro label paper features a very smooth surface and high whiteness, and has optimal runnability for efficient production and exceptional appearance.

Investment in production capacity for wet-strength label paper
To further strengthen its label paper business, Sappi recently announced a long-term investment: production capacities for label papers at the Gratkorn mill in Austria will be expanded from the end of 2023. An investment in the double-digit millions in technological innovations, such as a new embossing calender, will enable the state-of-the-art paper mill to produce high-quality wet-strength wet-glue label paper. With this portfolio expansion, Sappi aims to drive product innovation and further extend its market leadership in label paper production.

Unsurpassed expertise in barrier papers
Sappi is continuously expanding its portfolio of barrier and high barrier papers. The company has become an innovation and market leader in functional papers with integrated barrier function and heat-sealable properties. At FACHPACK, Sappi presented several current examples of food and non-food applications using these barrier papers, which attracted considerable interest. In this context, Sappi also presented the results of a close cooperation with machine manufacturer Kallfass. The companies combined their know-how to develop Sappi Crystalcon and Sappi Seal Silk, a sustainable, paper-based alternative to film-based primary and secondary packaging in the non-food sector.

For a flawless brand appearance: Algro Design and "Metal Ink
At this year's FACHPACK, Sappi presented the popular Algro Design portfolio as well as the new Fusion Nature Plus paper in combination with the proven Fusion Topliner, in addition to the Topliner cartons with brilliant color reproduction that have proven successful at the POS. In particular, Sappi's brilliant white Algro Design Nature pulp board received a special polish as part of the "Metal Ink" cooperation. For the project, Sappi, metallic and pearlescent pigment manufacturer ECKART and renowned finishing specialist GT/Trendhouse 42 teamed up to create a sustainable, printed premium metallic effect alternative to existing finishing processes that require films.

Visitors to FACHPACK were able to see the impressive project results for themselves at the Sappi booth. Three folding cartons - representing the perfume, cosmetics and premium beverage packaging market segments - in individual designs that realistically reflect the current packaging market and in which the "Metal Ink" process was used for the first time, captivated visitors with their eye-catching design and - thanks to Algro Design Nature - their unique feel.