Rondo once again honored with two Wellpappe Austria Awards
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Rondo Ganahl, headquartered in Frastanz/Austria, clinches two coveted Wellpappe Austria Awards 2023. The innovative packaging solution for crossbeams from Rondo's corrugated cardboard plant in St. Ruprecht was awarded in the category ‚sustainable‘, and the corrugated cardboard game Tic Tac Toe created by apprentices from the Rondo corrugated cardboard plant in Frastanz was recognized in the category ‚young talent‘.

The packaging developers at Rondo Ganahl AG have every reason to celebrate. In early October 2023, they received two Wellpappe Austria Awards in Vienna – a magnificent recognition of their creative ideas for innovative packaging solutions. "The Wellpappe Austria Award is the annual showcase of our industry, demonstrating once again this year how creative and efficient corrugated cardboard packaging can be," says Stephan Kaar, Managing Director of the Rondo corrugated cardboard plant in Frastanz. In addition to the packaging solution for crossbeams by Rondo‘s packaging developers in St. Ruprecht, the strategy game Tic Tac Toe made of corrugated cardboard by Rondo‘s apprentices in Frastanz also managed to impress the jury of the 2023 Wellpappe Austria Award.
Packaging solution for crossbeams – Winner in the category ‚sustainable‘
Originally made out of plastic, this packaging has now been replaced by a monomaterial made out of corrugated cardboard. "The challenge was to package the differently sized components in a way that they don't shift around, and without any additional packaging material. And we have achieved that splendidly," says Otto Schweinzer, Managing Director of Rondo St. Ruprecht. The packaging provides utmost stability, is 100% sustainable, and avoids additional plastic use.
Corrugated cardboard game Tic Tac Toe – Winner in the category ‚young talent‘
In the category ‚young talent‘ the jurors nominate the three best junior projects. But the winners are determined through a Facebook voting. Apprentices from the Frastanz location designed the game with Rondo branding specifically for apprentice fairs and trial days. The jury emphasized, "The game is not only enjoyable but also requires considerable skill in its construction." Silke Berthold, Head of Apprentice Training in Frastanz, is thrilled with this honor: "We place great importance on a solid education for our apprentices. After all, they are our motivated skilled workers of tomorrow who actively support us. We currently train 35 apprentices in eight professions in Frastanz."