Recycled cardboard: Reno de Medici plans to close the Barcelona cardboard mill
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Reno de Medici (RDM) has announced its intention to close the Castellbisbal/Barcelona cartonboard mill in Spain.
RDM informed workers' representatives of the move on January 15, according to a statement from the company. A total of 237 employees would be affected by the planned closure.

The cardboard manufacturer justifies the decision with the increasingly difficult market conditions, inflationary pressure in Europe, changes in consumption and a challenging geopolitical environment, which is being exacerbated by the war in Ukraine. The RDM Group is forced to take measures to adjust production capacities to market demand due to the financial losses resulting from underutilization.
RDM had already reduced production capacity last year by closing the French Blendecques board mill. At the Castellbisbal/Barcelona mill, RDM produces recycled cartonboard with a capacity of around 190,000 tons per year.