PT. Adiprima, Indonesia awards order for 8 Cleaners for Wires, Felts and Dryer Fabrics to ProJet

ProJet received an order for a total 8 ProJet High Pressure Cleaners from PT. Adiprima Suparinta for their PM3. The value of the order will not be disclosed. The order was received in July 2023 and will be delivered in Q1 2024.

PT. Adiprima, Indonesia awards order for 8 Cleaners for Wires, Felts and Dryer Fabrics to ProJet
© ProJet B.V.
Source:  Company news

The Cleaners will be supplied along with all auxiliary equipment, pumps, control panels, etc. All pumps are provided with redundant systems for maximum reliability. Adiprima will do a big rebuild of their PM3 which includes the a new Press Section. The new ProJet Power Cleaners are part of that rebuild and will provide maximum cleanliness and permeability to all 3 sections of the machine, Forming-, Press- and Dryer Section.