Paper mills have to pay more for waste paper in Germany
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Waste paper prices continue to rise sharply in Germany in April Following the expected double-digit increase in prices for bulk grades in March, market participants are expecting even higher increases in the current month.

Mixed paper and department stores' waste paper could become up to €20 or more more expensive. Particularly high increases are again expected for deinking goods.
The demand for waste paper from German mills has improved overall. There are currently no stoppages and the machines are all running at full capacity, it was reported. As a result, production capacities are better utilised. The market participants surveyed differed in their assessment of the extent of the increase in production. However, it is clear that the increase in demand is being met by a continued weak supply. Most waste disposal companies and dealers report that volumes are stable at a low level. The quantities collected are apparently not sufficient to cover the industry's demand, which is causing prices to rise sharply.