Palm is one of Baden-Württemberg's innovation leaders and receives the Environmental Technology Award 2021

Palm successfully participated in the Environmental Technology Award in the category of material efficiency with its product "PALM Ultralight Corrugated Case Material (ulCCM)": Palm was awarded 3rd place in the Environmental Technology Award Baden-Württemberg 2021 with its concept to produce corrugated base paper in 60 g/m2.

Palm is one of Baden-Württemberg's innovation leaders and receives the Environmental Technology Award 2021
© Papierfabrk Palm
Source:  Company news

The Ministry of the Environment, Climate Protection and the Energy Sector Baden-Württemberg has been honouring outstanding and innovative products in environmental technology with the Environmental Technology Award every two years since 2009. In the categories "Energy Efficiency", "Material Efficiency", " Emission Reduction, Processing & Separation" and "Measurement and Control Technology, Industry 4.0", awards are given to products that make a significant contribution to resource efficiency and environmental protection and are about to be launched on the market or have been on the market for no longer than two years.

"Corrugated case material with a basis weight of 60 g/m2 made from 100 % recovered paper is a completely new achievement in the paper industry and opens up new fields of application for the use of packaging made from corrugated board. The low basis weight also saves energy and resources during production. Throughout the entire value chain, from waste paper to corrugated board packaging, there are savings in resource consumption. The lower weight also reduces CO2 emissions during transport. The 3rd place of the Environmental Technology Award is a special distinction for our innovation and for our commitment. The Palm family-owned company strives to combine economic goals, customer needs and environmental protection with the continuous development and production of new products," explained Stephan Gruber, Managing Director Technology at Papierfabrik Palm GmbH & Co. KG.

The Ministry of Environment presented the awards to this year's winners at the Schwabenlandhalle in Fellbach on 4 November 2021. "I am impressed by the determination and consistency with which companies contribute to sustainability and environmental protection with resource-efficient processes and products. With the Baden-Württemberg Environmental Technology Award, we honour this commitment and give companies the opportunity to present their innovative developments," explained Environment Minister Thekla Walker.