Mitsubishi HiTec Paper receives environmental award for barricote barrier papers

On 2 November, the Flensburg mill of Mitsubishi HiTec Paper Europe GmbH received the "Environmental Award of the Economy 2021" by the Society for Study and Development of the Economy in Schleswig-Holstein for the production of sustainable barricote® barrier papers. This environmental award has been presented since 1984 and is one of the oldest and most prestigious of its kind in Germany. It consists of a bronze relief created by Georg Engst and a certificate.

from left to right: Nic Holmer (Director Sales & Marketing | Mitsubishi HiTec Paper), Ulrich Wachholtz (Honorary President | Vereinigung der Unternehmerverbände in Hamburg und Schleswig Holstein), Joachim Küster (Head of Production Flensburg Mill | Mitsubishi HiTec Paper), Dr. Dieter Becker (Director New Business Development | Mitsubishi HiTec Paper), Dr. Dorit Kuhnt (State Secretary | Ministry of the Environment of Schleswig-Holstein), Karsten Lerius (Environmental Officer Flensburg Mill | Mitsubishi HiTec Paper)
© Mitsubishi HiTec Paper Europe GmbH
Source:  Company news

The reason given by the independent jury responsible for selecting the award winners reads: "The barrier paper for direct food packaging developed and produced at Mitsubishi HiTec Paper's Flensburg mill can be recycled via the waste paper cycle and thus makes an innovative contribution to waste avoidance and sustainability."

"Since 1984, the Society has been able to award the "Environmental Award of the Economy" a total of 74 times. We are pleased about this high number of award winners, which is proof of the importance of environmental protection in our companies. The example of Mitsubishi HiTec Paper in Flensburg, with its development and production of environmentally friendly paper-based packaging material for foodstuffs, is proof of the high innovative strength of our economy." This was said by the Honorary President of the Society of Employers' Associations in Hamburg and Schleswig Holstein, Ulrich Wachholtz, at the end of this event held in the state parliament, which was attended by about 100 guests from all areas of public life. The welcome address of the Ministry of the Environment of the state of Schleswig-Holstein was given by State Secretary Dr. Dorit Kuhnt.

With barricote, Mitsubishi HiTec Paper offers a whole range of barrier papers that have been developed in close cooperation with major food manufacturers, packaging machine manufacturers and processors. The fully recyclable papers can be used as bag packaging, wrapping paper and laminating paper. With effective combinable barriers against water vapour, grease & oil, oxygen & aroma as well as mineral oil migration, barricote papers are suitable for both primary and secondary packaging. In this way, Mitsubishi HiTec Paper makes a significant contribution to waste avoidance, recycling management and the reuse of valuable raw materials.

"We are very pleased to receive this award for our commitment to sustainability and innovation. Because with our barricote papers, we are fully contributing to the vision of a waste-free future" says Dr Dieter Becker, Director New Business Development at Mitsubishi HiTec Paper. "Not only do they offer excellent barriers and outstanding heat sealing capabilities, but they are also fully recyclable and 100% suitable for the circular economy. We rely on water-based coatings and a high proportion of biodegradable ingredients. At the same time, our barrier papers are 100% free of plastic films, fluorocarbons, chlorinated hydrocarbons and optical brighteners. We are proud to work with the development teams of major brand owners on successful product transformation projects from plastic packaging to paper packaging. In doing so, we are making a valuable contribution to sustainable, environmentally friendly packaging solutions of the future."