Miraclon announces drupa line-up that guarantees packaging printers a path to modern flexo

Miraclon announced its plans for drupa 2024, guaranteeing to bring the benefits of modern flexo to packaging printers by enabling them to achieve their efficiency, sustainability and quality goals and maximize returns on flexo press investments.

© Miraclon Corporation
Source:  Company news

Exhibiting in Hall 15, Booth F50, visitors to the booth will learn how Miraclon, through the delivery of critical technology and knowledge, is a key enabler of the transformation to modern flexo; facilitating consistent, highly capable, efficient, sustainable printing. Leading with real-world examples, the booth will showcase 12 case studies of commercial success, highlight nine new product innovations that build on the strength of core FLEXCEL NX technology, and provide access to Miraclon technical and commercial experts that can demonstrate the Miraclon difference and leverage firsthand experience to help customers navigate to business success.

Chris Payne, Chief Executive Officer, said: “Flexo is an attractive and growing segment of the packaging printing industry and is evolving from its traditional capabilities, practices and processes to a new era of modern flexo that is a standardized, sustainable manufacturing process. And, with printers under increasing pressure from brands to be more efficient and sustainable in their production, we invite them to visit the Miraclon booth to see, learn and experience how Miraclon, together with our network of valued partners including prepress providers, technology suppliers and channel partners, can help them develop a practical plan for success. We guarantee it will be worth their time.”

On the Miraclon booth, visitors will see, learn and experience:

· Champions of Modern Flexo: Real life case studies of 12 printers that have met challenging brand client needs and achieved dramatic financial and sustainability goals after successfully implementing FLEXCEL NX technology, aided by the technical expertise of Miraclon and its valued prepress partners.

· Expert knowledge-based services: Including consultancy, savings tools & calculators, and technical & applications support to enable printers to maximize their returns in the press room.

· Product Innovation: Showcasing nine of its newest innovations that that build on and strengthen the core FLEXCEL NX Technology to put printers on a clear path towards modern flexo, including:

o The FLEXCEL NX Ultra 42 Processor: Miraclon is the leader in high-performing, water washable plate technology. Building on the success of the FLEXCEL NX Ultra 35 processor for narrow-web applications, the new FLEXCEL NX Ultra 42 Processor offers a key proof point for achieving this in a high-volume, low maintenance plate production environment. Our water washable plates offer the same benefits as our solvent processed plates in the transition to Modern Flexo.

o Shine LED Lamp Kits: Shine LED Lamp Kits, innovated by Miraclon, are a simple and cost-effective path to UV LED plate exposure that makes an even more consistent flexo plate. Increased plate consistency leads to even greater efficiencies in printing.

o A preview of next generation FLEXCEL NX Plate and FLEXCEL NX Ultra Plate Technologies: LED optimized plate technology that offers even cleaner printing for greater efficiency and sustainability benefits.

Payne concludes: “Any visitor to our booth during drupa is guaranteed to see how FLEXCEL NX Technology, together with our team’s knowledge and expertise, can optimize the flexo print production process and help maximize the return on press investments. We look forward to showing them why partnering with Miraclon should be the first step in their journey to modern flexo success.”