Chocolate treasures get a new paperboard packaging both inside and out

With its paperboard expertise, Metsä Board has helped to create innovative and sustainable packaging for the German SchokoSchatz chocolate brand.

Chocolate treasures get a new paperboard packaging both inside and out
© Metsä Board Corporation
Source:  Company news

SchokoSchatz is an organic and Fairtrade-certified chocolate treat available in two varieties – for children and for adults. At the heart of the new product is its new packaging made from Metsä Board's fresh fibre paperboard, which underlines SchokoSchatz’s commitment to protecting the environment.

The paperboard used for the packaging is MetsäBoard Prime FBB EB, a dispersion-coated barrier board that is recyclable and compostable. Like all Metsä Board grades, it is made from fresh fibres sourced from sustainably managed Nordic forests. “In the case of SchokoSchatz, the board not only serves as safe material for the outer packaging, but its medium barrier against grease and moisture makes it also possible to wrap the little surprises inside the chocolate sphere in cardboard instead of plastic,” says Metsä Board’s Sales Manager Hans-Peter Kollmannsberger.

"The SchokoSchatz packaging was a challenge, but it was worth it," sums up Betty Winkler, founder of SchokoSchatz e.K. The company is a start-up from Bavaria that specialises in sustainable chocolate surprises, that are organic and Fairtrade-certified and support Ozeankind® e.V. in its fight against plastic waste as a sponsoring member. "Our idea of creating a sustainable chocolate surprise was very well received by the young testers and their parents. The positive response prompted us to make the SchokoSchatz available to adults too. After all, sustainable enjoyment and plastic-reduced packaging are important for all age groups."

SchokoSchatz is available in two versions: there is the "SchokoSchatz for Kids" and the "SchokoSchatz for Favorite People". The delightful surprises found inside the chocolate spheres are all made from 100% natural materials. They include various gemstones to collect and swap as well as different lucky charms and other small gift items carved in soapstone. The Kenyan supplier of the soapstone products has been recognised and certified for fair trade by the Weltladen-Dachverband association since 2014.