Lecta's steady progress towards its 2030 sustainability targets

Lecta, as a responsible company committed to a more sustainable world, formalized its ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) strategy as a key pillar of our business strategy for the future in 2022. As part of this strategy, we set ambitious targets for 2030 and defined key performance indicators (KPI's) for our work and progress in this area, linked to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDG's).

Lecta's steady progress towards its 2030 sustainability targets
Source:  Company news

Determined to meet this challenge and in line with its information transparency policy, Lecta regularly monitors its progress at a Group level and publishes its consolidated ESG performance results on an annual basis.

As reflected in our latest Sustainability Report, 2023 was a good year in terms of progress towards many of our ESG objectives, especially those related to the environment. Both the organizational carbon footprint (OCF) and Lecta's product carbon footprint (PCF) have decreased yearly since 2021. Other indicators, such as the purchase of pulp certified according to Chain of Custody standards or the reduction of waste generation, also show Lecta's progress in its clear commitment to protecting the environment and minimizing the impact of its activity.

Numerous initiatives, investments and activities carried out during 2023, that align with our ESG strategy, have made this possible.

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