Lecta's 2023 calendar surrounds us with beautiful concentric images

Suggestive spheres and circular shapes brimming with color.

Lecta's 2023 calendar surrounds us with beautiful concentric images
Source:  Company news

In its new 2023 calendar, Lecta highlights the apparent simplicity and formal perfection of the circle, a shape which surrounds us and is found everywhere: from a tiny atomic particle to our planet itself. A circle is the wheel that transformed daily life for our species, the spherical face of the watch that keeps time, the balloon that floats up into the sky and the point that dots the "i".

Lecta's calendar brings together a wide range of concentric circles in different sizes found in our natural surroundings. Twelve attractive, colorful, harmonious images with a common theme to accompany us in the new year.

Beyond the shape itself, the perfect circumference of the circle also suggests movement, unity and progress, objectives not only for Lecta but shared by everyone as we start a new year filled with challenges and goals.

To accentuate the strength and detail of the photographs, Lecta has chosen semi-matte coated papers from its extensive range of premium products for the publishing industry.