Lecta restates its commitment to human rights and compliance with legal systems in its new Code of Ethics
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The new document contains the ethical principles and core values for the entire Group’s operations.

Within the framework of the Ten Principles of the United Nations Global Compact, of which Lecta has been a participant since 2011, in its new Group Code of Ethics Lecta has adopted the main principles, values and pillars that govern the Group’s activity regarding human rights, labor conditions and relations, protection of the environment and the fight against corruption.
Lecta’s new Code of Ethics, the centerpiece of its corporate strategy, complements the already existing codes in the different jurisdictions of its subsidiaries and is applicable to the entire Group. As such, employees are expected to know and respect the principles and values it contains in both internal and external professional relationships.
To ensure implementation and compliance, all Group employees will soon have access to an online training tool.
Lecta’s new Code of Ethics confirms its commitment to transparency, respect for the law and good governance, the basis of sustainability and corporate social responsibility. It means, ultimately, the willingness to strengthen relationships with its stakeholders through ethical and responsible behavior, which guarantees the wellbeing of people, respect for the environment and contributing to the society at large.