Lecta Publishes Its New Responsible Purchasing of Wood and Forest-Based Products Policy

The policy aims to preserve forests and wood, the natural renewable resources used in its products

The policy aims to preserve forests and wood, the natural renewable resources used in its products
Source:  Company news

Lecta has published its new Responsible Purchasing of Wood and Forest-Based Products Policy, in keeping with the principles and criteria of its Integrated Management System that guides the company’s activity. With this document, Lecta strengthens its commitment and responsibility to communities and habitats where the company operates.

Lecta is keenly aware of the critical role forests play for the planet and its inhabitants. Lecta also acknowledges that the wood used to manufacture all its products is a natural raw material that is both a great ally in preserving the environment as well as a source of income for many families and local communities. Wood is a renewable resource obtained from forests and forest plantations, and protecting these areas is vital for the carbon cycle.

With this new policy, along with the PEFCTM and FSC® C011032 Chain of Custody forest certification systems that Lecta promotes and strictly adheres to, the company reaffirms its commitment to the purchase of responsibly managed wood and wood-based products. Lecta thereby contributes to better management of wooded areas used for forestry, environmental protection and the betterment of local communities.

In the purchase of wood and forest-based products, both Chain of Custody standards are a guarantee of the responsible sourcing of certified and controlled materials in the production of Lecta’s extensive multiproduct range.

The new policy is available in English, French, Italian, Portuguese and Spanish on the Lecta Group websites, in order to share Lecta’s principles and commitments in the responsible purchase of wood with all its customers, suppliers, employees and stakeholders in general.