Introducing Mondi’s IntegoBag – building towards a more sustainable construction industry
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Mondi, a global leader in sustainable packaging and paper, has launched an alternative to paper bags with a free film barrier layer used in the construction industry.

The new IntegoBag simplifies recycling and is designed to transport building materials and ensure their shelf life through protective barrier coatings instead of a free film. Mondi’s FunctionalBarrier Paper provides the required moisture barrier to protect the content, significantly reducing PE content in its new solution.
To produce IntegoBag, Mondi leverages its integrated value chain: from creating the kraft paper from responsibly sourced fibres, enhancing it with a functional barrier coating, to bag converting, the solution is fully produced in-house. The innovation offers a fit-for-purpose moisture barrier while reducing plastic by up to 50%.
IntegoBag is an easy-to-use and versatile solution for customers. It has the same strength performance for processing as a standard paper bag with free film and can run on existing filling machinery.
The paper bag provides good printability. The bleached and unbleached bags are available in standard packaging sizes and are suitable for filling up to 25kg.
Mondi’s innovative solution is certified recyclable based on tests conducted in its recycling laboratory in Frantschach according to CEPI v.2 test method and 4evergreen’s fibre-based packaging recyclability evaluation protocol and scored 19 out of 20 points in the certification of Interseroh+. It is another example of circular-driven packaging solutions that Mondi has developed in line with one of its MAP2030 (Mondi Action Plan 2030) targets - working towards a circular economy by developing reusable, recyclable or compostable solutions that keep materials in use and prevent waste.
"We collaborated with leading companies in the construction industry such as Saint-Gobain to make sure our new solution fits specific industry needs and creates value for all partners. By bringing together our expertise, we’ve developed a recyclable alternative and can avoid waste, helping our customers stay ahead of the regulatory curve. And we are excited to see that IntegoBag is already getting attention from the industry: we’ve been nominated for the Austrian Green Star Packaging Award and shortlisted for the UK Sustainability Award." (Mauro Vitali, Sales Manager for Paper Bags Italy at Mondi)