"Future Resources 2021": scope for sustainable packaging ideas
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Fifth "Future Resources" Conference +++ Focus on recyclable packaging and new sorting technology +++ Understanding current political developments +++ Hybrid event: attendance virtually or in person in Cologne

Interseroh+ and the Deutsche Verpackungsinstitut e.V. (German Packaging Institute, dvi) invite you to attend the "Future Resources" conference on 9 November 2021. The leading industry event will bring together experts from retail, the consumer goods industry and the recycling sector to discuss pioneering ideas for the packaging cycle. "The industry is ready for change", says Markus Müller-Drexel, Managing Director of Interseroh+ GmbH. "At this year's 'Future Resources', we want to provide fresh impetus and explore new ways of optimising packaging recycling that benefit both the environment and business.
The trend analyst and futurist Matthias Horx will open the joint Interseroh+ and dvi conference with a talk entitled "Die blaue Ökologie – Wie Technologie, Kreislaufwirtschaft und neues Denken unsere Welt neu erfinden" ("Blue ecology: how technology, the circular economy and new ways of thinking are reinventing our world"). Thomas Schmid-Unterseh, Division Head at the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, will then set out and explain current political developments, and Gunda Rachut, Director of the Central Agency Packaging Register (ZSVR) will explore the German Packaging Act and minimum standards. New technical developments in the sorting and recycling of packaging and best practice examples of sustainable packaging design are also on the agenda for the event. More and more companies are following Interseroh's "Made for Recycling" assessment methodology. "We are not just talking about necessary changes, but also presenting practical solutions and working together to develop new ideas. That is exactly what the dvi, the packaging industry network, sets out to do. And it is precisely what makes 'Future Resources' so attractive as an industry platform", says Winfried Batzke, Managing Director of the dvi.
Another sign of a whole new approach is the involvement of Interseroh+ GmbH, which is hosting the conference this year for the first time. Interseroh is launching the innovative concept of a "recycling alliance" in 2022 as part of its dual system. Stakeholders will be able not just to meet their statutory packaging licensing obligation but also to take responsibility for closing recycling and material cycles.
Why not take this opportunity to find out about pioneering concepts for the packaging industry of the future and share ideas and information with experts from manufacturers, retailers, institutes and other organisations. This year's "Future Resources" conference is to be a hybrid event: you can attend in person at BALLONI Hallen in Cologne, or virtually.
Registration for Future Resources 2021 at: https://www.future-resources.de/