INGEDE Symposium 2021 will be online on March 2nd

The INGEDE Symposium is the most important event in the field of paper recycling and deinking in Europe!

INGEDE Symposium Logo
© INGEDE - Internationale Forschungsgemeinschaft Deinking-Technik e.V.
Source:  Company news

Besides the different eco-labels and their requirements in terms of recyclability and methods, INGEDE will look into tomorrow’s bin with paper for recycling: What about the availability of paper for recycling, how does the composition change (and how does the fraction of packaging increase even faster due to the pandemic)? What’s new in sorting?

What are the current trends in printing, in printed products, in printing inks; and how does that effect recyclability and deinkability? What about mineral oil free inks, especially for newspapers? These and more issues are coming up, so save the date for the INGEDE Symposium!