Manufacture instead of industry - the best career prospects at Hahnemühle FineArt
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Five young people have recently started their apprenticeships at Germany's oldest artist paper manufacturer in Dassel-Relliehausen.

One paper technologist is learning the traditional and, at Hahnemühle, also innovative craft of papermaking. A media designer and two industrial clerks are being trained in marketing, purchasing and sales at Hahnemühle.
Training its own junior staff is part of Hahnemühle's tradition. Since its foundation in 1584, the company has been producing paper with real passion at the same location without interruption. Around 500 different types of paper are produced according to old recipes or the latest formulations - always with Hahnemühle's own pure spring water and from high-quality cotton fibres, cellulose or fast-growing plant fibres such as bamboo, hemp or agave. All papers are vegan and meet the highest standards as the finest artist papers or pure papers for life science applications such as corona quick tests or everyday masks.
Hahnemühle has been awarded the German "Brand of the Century" and is known worldwide for its consistent quality and reliable delivery. The company has its own sales companies in Europe, America and the Asia-Pacific region. Apprentices can also complete internships there and have the best chances of being taken on by Hahnemühle.