Guidelines on SUPD: Paper industry demands threshold value for plastic content in fibre-containing packaging
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The EU Commission is still working on guidelines for the most uniform possible implementation of the Single-Use Plastics Directive (SUPD) into national law.

A draft provides that certain disposable products made of paper or cardboard also fall under the directive if they have a polymer coating. The European Plastics Converters Association EuPC supports the view of the EU Commission and points out that neither the SUPD nor its implementing provisions published so far or available as a draft set a threshold value for the plastic content above which products fall within its scope.
The paper and board industry, on the other hand, has been campaigning for such a threshold value for almost a year now. As long as there is no alternative to the plastic content of fibre-based packaging, such a threshold value could guarantee that in the worst case all paper- and fibre-based products do not fall within the scope of the SUPD. The EuPC, on the other hand, does not call for exemptions for PPK products with polymer coating.