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With Gmund Hanf, Gmund makes a statement for ecological action. Hemp paper is the sustainable alternative to conventional paper made from wood – resource-saving, high-quality, durable and recyclable. Up to 100% European hemp is used in this creative paper sensation. A soft feel with a wild surface, design meets nature – and entirely legal. Only Gmund can do that!

Hemp paper celebrates its comeback
Hemp paper is cool – and always has been. Hemp (cannabis) is a plant genus in the hemp family. One of the first plants used by humankind, hemp is extremely pest-resistant and very easy to cultivate. Paper made from hemp was already the first choice more than 2,000 years ago. In the past, the processing of hemp’s very long and unruly fibers was laborious manual work – and hemp paper was correspondingly costly to produce. Cheaper wood-containing papers supplanted hemp paper in the 19th century.
What are the advantages of hemp paper compared to classically produced wood-based papers?
Why hemp paper? Trees grow slowly, but hemp is a fast-growing and readily renewable raw material. Hemp plants can be cultivated easily and utilized fully. Hemp paper is a sustainable alternative to conventional wood-based paper. There are many reasons for this:
• One field of hemp yields four to five times as much paper as a forest of the same size.
• Hemp grows to a height of up to four meters per year.
• Hemp can be harvested three times each year, but trees can be harvested only once every seven years.
• Hemp produces more biomass than any other domestic crop.
• Hemp does not deplete the soil, so a hemp field can be replanted immediately after the harvest.
• Hemp plants are naturally pest-resistant, so their cultivation requires fewer pesticides.
• Hemp eliminates weeds on its own, so fewer herbicides are applied.
• Hemp fibers are naturally very light in color, so they require little bleaching.
• The fibers in pulp made from hemp are five times longer than the fibers in pulp made from wood.
• Hemp’s long fibers have greater tensile, tear and wet strength than wood fibers.
• The long hemp fibers improve the wastepaper cycle and can be recycled very often.
• Unlike wood-based paper, hemp paper hardly yellows and has a much longer lifespan.
Hemp is valued for its high durability, environmental compatibility and low energy balance. That’s why the future belongs to hemp paper.
What makes Gmund Hanf hemp paper so special?
Gmund Hanf is a real game changer. Gmund now follows the earlier hemp paper in the Bio Cycle collection (made from 50% cannabis pulp) with paper made from 100% European hemp, a genuine ecological and creative sensation. Thanks to its long fibers, this innovative paper is sturdy, soft to the touch and wild in appearance. Furthermore, Gmund Hanf is produced without dyes. It’s stable, durable and pure nature.
Choose Gmund Hanf hemp paper in three paper qualities:
• Good: Gmund Hemp 10% with pure pulp
• Better: Gmund Hemp 50% with recycled paper fibers
• Best: Gmund hemp 100 % – pure nature
Available in grammages of 120 g/m2 and 320 g/m2, Gmund Hemp papers are suitable for brochures, packaging and greeting cards – but not for smoking.
The Gmund ECO certificate for sustainability applies to Gmund Hemp. Customers can have this logo printed on products made from Gmund Hanf – a clear sign that this hemp paper is sustainably produced.