Germany: Waste paper prices continue to fall in October

Prices for bulk grades of department store waste paper and mixed paper continued to fall in October. For grade 1.04 in particular, weak demand from industry combined with relatively good volume availability is putting increased pressure on prices. Discounts of €15 to €20 are expected on the market for the current month.

EUWID Papier und Zellstoff
© EUWID Papier und Zellstoff
Source:  Company news

The decline for mixed paper is expected to be weaker again. Stable to slightly falling prices are reported for deinking goods.

This continues the trend from last month. Despite the recent price falls, most paper grades are still significantly more expensive than at the start of the year. The cumulative price change for mixed paper since January shows an increase of almost 60 €/t. For department store waste paper and corrugated board II waste, the increase in the year to date is somewhat less pronounced due to the recent discounts. The price of deinking goods has continued to rise the most. For grade 1.11, the changes over the last nine months add up to almost 100 €/t.