Germany: Price round for fine and newsprint papers has picked up speed

In the graphic arts sector, players intend to keep the price round for delivery terms in the first quarter of 2024 as short as possible. There is a strong desire for price stabilisation and more planning security for both fine papers and newsprint.

EUWID Papier und Zellstoff
© EUWID Papier und Zellstoff
Source:  Company news

Despite price pressure on the market, suppliers are working with price increases for wood-free papers in the face of rising production costs and with demands for a price update for newsprint. There is resistance here. Critics see the risk that demand could be curbed again. This would be a further sign of consolidation in the industry.

In the packaging paper segment, the focus is on kraftliner. Here, players are recognising a stable movement. Processors' attempts to adjust the price structure downwards remain unsuccessful.

Demand for corrugated board remains rather subdued and further developments are difficult to predict.