UV spot coating machine FKS/Duplo DuSense DDC-810 Pro - extra fine finishing

The FKS/Duplo DuSense DDC-810 Pro UV spot coating machine is perfectly positioned for today's dynamic printing environment and, as a logical further development of the FKS/Duplo DuSense DDC-810, offers even more flexibility, opening the door to new business opportunities. It was developed for today's digital printing market, where demand for short runs, on-demand and highly customized print products is on the rise. Finishing with the DDC-810 Pro transforms any printed product into a real eye-catcher and turns it into something special thanks to the tactile experience.

UV spot coating machine FKS/Duplo DuSense DDC-810 Pro
© Ing. Fritz Schroeder GmbH & Co KG
Source:  Company news

The FKS/Duplo DuSense DDC-810 Pro represents the next step in the development of digital UV spot coating. With a focus on modern design, improved ease of use and the highest quality, it is the ideal solution for the most demanding print finishing projects.

Without the use of matrices or stencils, the DuSense DDC-810 Pro enables the addition of spot coatings, textures and tactile finishes with incredible precision. Even finer dosing of the UV coating is now possible, so that fine details can even be finished with a layer thickness of just 10 microns. The different layer thicknesses between 10 and 80 microns can be defined using different shades of gray in the PDF.

The DuSense DDC-810 Pro processes 1,080 sheets per hour in the 279 x 210 mm to 364 x 750 mm format. The speed for thinner layers in particular has been increased to 2,160 sheets per hour.

The DuSense DDC-810 Pro offers a user-friendly, design-oriented user interface with intelligent software and can be easily integrated into your digital finishing workflow. With just a few clicks, all preparation steps, such as creating the coating file including register marks and barcodes, impositioning and transferring the files to the system, are carried out. With a standard barcode kit, the DuSense DDC-810 Pro is able to read barcodes on each sheet and automatically load the coating file. This shortens manual work processes and thus saves time. The CCD camera registration system reads the register marks and automatically aligns the spot level on the printed sheet. Finished sheets are immediately cured by the UV lamp and can be processed immediately.

With the optional corona unit, the surface tension of the printed sheet can be adjusted so that all prints from all digital printing systems can be spot-coated with the same fluid. This saves both time and money and creates attention through haptic effects with maximum profitability.

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