Fire paralyses production at Buchmann Karton

Cartonboard production is at a standstill at Annweiler-based cartonboard manufacturer Buchmann after a fire caused damage to the rewinder and slitter rewinder on Monday, 05 June.

EUWID Papier und Zellstoff
© EUWID Papier und Zellstoff
Source:  Company news

The board machine and size equipment in Annweiler, however, are not affected by the fire. As things stand, it is not yet possible to say exactly how long the shutdown caused by the fire will last. According to the company, production will probably be suspended until next week.

The supply of Buchmann's customers is ensured by existing roll stocks and by the Weig Group's board mill in Mayen, to which Buchmann has belonged since its takeover this year, Weig emphasises. The cause of the fire has not yet been definitively identified. Investigations are ongoing and repair measures are currently being examined

In Annweiler, Buchmann produces around 260,000 tonnes per year of recycled cartonboard - including GD, GT and liner - for the European folding carton industry.