Recovered paper prices continue double-digit increase - trend reversal already in July?
News General news
As expected, recovered paper prices continued to rise significantly in June. However, reports from the market indicate a trend reversal for July. Prices for bulk grades are expected to remain stable for the most part in July.

However, there are said to have been significant reductions in individual cases, especially in the case of department stores' waste paper. From the point of view of some market participants, a reversal of the trend in recovered paper prices has thus begun, also due to the first signs of declining demand from industry.
The situation continues to be completely different for the graphic waste paper grades. The enormous price increase is expected to continue in July. A limited supply continues to be offset by a very high demand from the mills. While from the point of view of some interlocutors it is completely open when this price increase will come to an end, others assume that the decline in prices will be only slightly delayed compared to the brown grades.