Germany: Prices for newsprint tend to move sideways

The mood on the market for newsprint paper remains depressed. Advertisers continue to feel the general reluctance to buy.

Prices for newsprint remain static
Source:  EUWID-News

Not infrequently, this leads to a reduction in advertising expenditure, which puts a strain on the order situation in commercial printing as well as on the volume of advertising in daily newspapers and weeklies.

As a result, paper mills remain only moderately busy. According to representatives of the paper industry, there has been a slight improvement in the order situation. However, this would in no way change the overall tense situation in the market for newsprint.

The cost development in the coming months is too uncertain, the further development of demand and thus production planning too unclear. Moreover, in view of the oversupply, the industry remains characterised by the prevailing cut-throat competition.