Poland: A lot of movement on the market for recovered paper

The effects of the Ukraine war are also felt in different ways on the Polish recovered paper market. It is estimated that a relevant amount of recovered paper, mainly packaging grades, was exported from Poland to Ukrainian paper mills on a monthly basis.

Poland: A lot of movement on the market for recovered paper
© Tom Wilfer. EUWID
Source:  EUWID News

Experts assume that since the end of February, when paper production in Ukraine was largely stopped, these quantities have largely been available domestically and have contributed to a certain stabilisation and calming of the market.

As experts know, imports of waste paper from abroad have recently been significantly reduced after new regulations came into force. For example, as of 1 February, all waste transports - and thus also waste paper - to and through Poland must be registered in the so-called SENT system of the Polish Ministry of Finance.