Environment Minister Schulze at Mitsubishi HiTec Paper
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On September 17 Svenja Schulze (Minister for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety) and Dr. Wiebke Esdar (Member of the German Bundestag) visited the Bielefeld mill of the speciality paper manufacturer Mitsubishi HiTec Paper. The two SPD politicians got an on the spot picture of the challenges of the current and future planned climate policy for an energy-intensive company.

Ideas on topics such as emission certificates, electricity and gas prices and Bielefeld as an important industrial location were exchanged with the Managing Directors Dr. Martin Schreer and Andreas Jastrzembowski, as well as the Works Council Chairman Dirk Hansmeier, in an open atmosphere. A tour of the mill including paper machine 3 rounded off the visit program.
"We would like to thank Environment Minister Schulze and Dr. Esdar for their visit and their keen interest in the problems that are becoming more and more pressing for energy-intensive industrial companies like ours in the face of climate policy”, says Dr. Martin Schreer, "because economical manufacturing must continue to be possible in Germany despite the continued rise in CO2 prices."