Like a well-oiled machine: emtec Electronic presents devices for optimum runnability at MIAC Lucca 2021
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How can manufacturers significantly improve product quality and process runnability in paper production and converting? This is exactly the question German manufacturer of specialized testing technology, emtec Electronic, addresses at booth 163 at the MIAC 2021 convention in Lucca, Italy from October 13-15.

After MIAC 2020 was cancelled due to the Covid-19 pandemic, technicians of paper mills and converting sites worldwide once again get the opportunity to update their professional knowledge and experience the charm of Tuscany for three days at the MIAC Exhibition in Lucca, Italy. This year, 250 international exhibitors will present new technologies, machinery, and cutting-edge technical solutions for paper and board production and converting to visitors on-site at the Lucca Exhibition Centre.
Visitors to the convention can visit emtec Electronic at Booth 163 to discover more about emtec’s devices, all of which are self-developed and unique on the market. The assortment includes the device that launched the company, the PDA Penetration Dynamics Analyzer, which measures liquid penetration to predict the gluing, printing, and coating behavior of paper and board.
One of emtec’s most recent devices, the ACA Ash Content Analyzer, will be on display at the event. The ACA allows for a quick and reliable determination of the composition of fillers and fines within a sample without destroying the sample. This process leads to an immense time-saving compared to traditional combustion methods.
In addition, the CAS touch! and FPA touch! will be on location and available for demonstrations. The latter two are improved and more easily portable versions of the original one-of-a-kind testing technology, the Charge Analyzing System and Fiber Potential Analyzer.
Using standard titration techniques, the CAS touch! technology allows technicians to measure the cationic/anionic and acid/base demands of water-based charge systems, easily determine isoelectric and flocculation points of a sample and examine the correlation between pH, titrant demand and streaming potential. The FPA touch! enables the correct dosage of chemically charged additives by providing accurate information regarding the charge of fibers and fillers in a sample based on proven methods of Zeta Potential measurement.
One emtec device not on display due to its size but with video and informational material readily available is the FPO, the Fiber Potential Analyzer Online, which has the added benefit of being connected directly to the process and is so able to constantly monitor the fiber charge, allowing for immediate changes to be made if necessary.
“We’re excited to participate in the MIAC event again this year after last year’s hiatus, and are looking forward to lively discussions and demonstrations with visitors, as well as meeting up with our Italian representatives once more,” says Alexander Gruener, Global Marketing and Business Development Manager for emtec.
Visitors are welcome to stop by the emtec Booth 163 to view the entire emtec palette, exchange ideas, ask questions, see a demonstration of the devices, get their own samples tested onsite, or simply clink glasses with the representatives.