Industry Continues Support for Paper and Packaging Board Program
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Paper and paper-based packaging manufacturers in the United States have renewed their commitment to sharing the industry’s successful sustainability story by continuing support for the Paper and Packaging Board program.

In a recent referendum, 53 percent of domestic manufacturers and importers — who represented 53 percent of the volume of paper and paper-based packaging voting in the referendum — voted in favor of continuing the Paper and Packaging Board program.
The decision comes in time for America Recycles Day on Nov. 15, another opportunity to highlight paper’s unmatched recycling record.
Paper and Packaging Board program shares sustainability message
The Paper and Packaging Board was started in 2014 as the oversight board for the paper industry’s national promotion campaign. It’s funded by U.S. paper manufacturers and importers, including Domtar. In 2021, the campaign began messaging focused on the sustainability benefits of paper products and paper-based packaging, including the How Life Unfolds® campaign and the Box to Nature program.
“[Paper and packaging producers] are investing billions today to keep tomorrow’s promises and maintain our position as one of the most recycled materials on the planet,” says Mary Anne Hansan, president of the Paper and Packaging Board.
Domtar’s Rob Melton, who leads paper and packaging sales for the Paper Excellence Group, serves as vice chair of the Paper and Packaging Board.
“[The Paper and Packaging Board] plays an important role in promoting our industry’s story,” he says. “It’s more important than ever that we do everything we can to influence people to choose renewable paper whenever possible.”
Recent research shows the message is getting through. In a survey earlier this year conducted through the Paper and Packaging Board program, a majority (66 percent) of U.S. adult consumers believe that recycling paper is worth it, and 60 percent felt that recycling is easy.
“Our research shows that consumers understand the value of recycling paper,” says Hansan.
With the winter holidays approaching, the Paper and Packaging Board is sharing ways consumers can celebrate the holidays the “Papertarian way” by choosing paper and paper-based packaging and practicing sustainability.
“The holidays are a very paper intense season, so we wanted to capture and grow [consumer] interest with practical and fun ways to make the holidays more earth friendly,” Hansan says. “Since paper and paper packaging can be recycled up to seven times and are sourced from trees — a renewable resource — the abundance of paper during the holidays makes it a great time to build better recycling habits for families.”