Despite Brexit and Covid-19: British paper industry with robust performance in 2020

The UK paper industry delivered a "robust performance" in 2020 despite challenging conditions, writes the Confederation of Paper Industries (CPI) in its annual report.

UK paper industry delivered a "robust performance" in 2020
Source:  Company news

However, in addition to the challenges of the pandemic, the UK industry also faced the impending end of Brexit transition on 31 December 2020 during the year under review, explained Kevin Bussey, President of the CPI.

Similar to other countries, the packaging sector benefited from pandemic-related strong demand from the second quarter of 2020 onwards, while the development in the tissue sector varied depending on the end market and the decline in demand in the graphic sector accelerated.

The total production of paper and board fell by almost 6 % to 3.63 million tonnes in 2020 and thus fell back to the level of 1984 for the first time.