Decision to close the Raubling paper mill not yet made

The future of the Raubling paper mill has not yet been decided. An online article published on May 16th by the local press gives the impression that the decision has been made. This is not the case, EUWID was told.

EUWID Papier und Zellstoff
© EUWID Papier und Zellstoff
Source:  Company news

In the annual report at the end of April, Heinzel, owner of the Raubling paper mill, pointed out that "strategic options for the site are being examined". Among other things, a sales process was initiated, the outcome of which was not yet foreseeable when the annual report was published.

A final decision on the closure of the plant has not yet been made. Heinzel confirmed that production has been halted due to general market conditions.

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