Creative craft ideas with filter bags

Filter bags are a popular and versatile material for crafting - and not just for children. With a little creativity, the inexpensive filter bags can be used to make beautiful decorations for various occasions. We'll show you how you can conjure up unique decorative objects from filter bags in just a few simple steps.

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Source:  Various crafting websites

Easter bunny girl made of filter bag
The cute Easter bunny made from a filter bag is a great craft idea for the whole family. All you need is a filter bag, brown construction paper, scissors, glue and a black pen.

First, cut out a rabbit's head as well as the front and back legs from the brown paper. Then glue the individual parts together: Draw on the face and stick the finished head to the front of the filter bag. Important: The filter bag must be turned upside down, i.e. the wide side must be at the bottom. This is because the filter bag is the Easter bunny's dress. Finally, attach the front and back paws - and the cute Easter bunny girl is ready. If the brown filter bag is too boring for you, you can color it with crayons and make a whole series of Easter bunnies with different colored dresses.

Romantic honeycomb pompoms
Delicate honeycomb balls made from filter bags are perfect as decorations for weddings, Valentine's Day or simply as spring decorations. To make them, fold the filter bags in half and then cut the top edge round. Now pull the bags apart and shape them.
To hang them up, thread a piece of thread through the middle and tie a knot. Several of these folded filter bags together make a fluffy honeycomb pompom. Hang the finished balls up as a garland or use them to decorate windows and doors.

Filter bags are an inexpensive and rewarding craft material that can be used to make decorative accessories quickly and easily. Whether for Easter, Christmas or for celebrations such as birthdays and weddings - there are no limits to your creativity.