CPH Group expects triple-digit-million 2022 operating result

The CPH Group has raised its forecast for its 2022 annual results. With product orders strong and prices higher, the Group now expects to report net sales for the year of more than CHF 700 million and an annual EBIT of more than CHF 100 million.

CPH Group expects triple-digit-million 2022 operating result
© CPH Chemie + Papier Holding AG
Source:  Company news

Raw materials costs have continued to rise in the second half of 2022. With order volumes strong over the year to date and sale prices higher as a result of increased input costs, the CPH Group expects to achieve net sales for the full year of well over CHF 700 million. Encouraging sales growth rates will be reported for 2022 by all three of the Group’s business divisions.

The greatest sales growth will be seen in the Paper Division, which could post net sales for the year of some CHF 400 million. The division should also report an EBIT for the year in the high double-digit millions. With the Chemistry and the Packaging divisions both set to post double-digit-million operating results, the CPH Group expects to achieve an overall EBIT for 2022 of more than CHF 100 million. Barring any unexpected new factors, the net group result for the year should amount to around CHF 100 million.

The CPH Group reported in summer 2021 that it would be providing power and water for the new wood-fibre insulation board production plant which Schilliger Holz AG planned to build on land belonging to Perlen Papier AG at its Perlen site. The project envisaged can now no longer be pursued, owing to the steep increases in energy costs.

The detailed figures on the CPH Group’s 2022 annual results will be published on 21 February 2023.