International recovered paper industry meets in Stuttgart on 23 March

ifo President Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Clemens Fuest is keynote speaker at the 25th International bvse Waste Paper Day

International recovered paper industry meets in Stuttgart
© bvse-Bundesverband Sekundärrohstoffe und Entsorgung e.V.
Source:  Company news

Corona, supply chain disruptions and the Russian war of aggression hit the recovered paper recycling industry and the international paper industry hard last year.

How are the energy crisis and trade frictions affecting Germany as a business location? What other challenges must the recovered paper industry prepare for this year?

The bvse Paper Recycling Association is eagerly awaiting answers to these questions from this year's keynote speaker, Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Clemens Fuest, Chairman of the Ifo Institute. The German economist and professor of economics will give an outlook on the economic prospects for 2023 at the 25th International bvse Waste Paper Day on 23 March.

In addition, the bvse Paper Recycling Association, chaired by Vice President Werner Steingaß, has again put together a programme this year in which recognised international experts from business, politics, science, authorities and associations will share their perspectives and approaches to solutions on the burning issues facing the industry.

WDR5 presenter Michael Brocker will guide through the conference, which will begin at 10:15 a.m. with the opening by Vice-President Steingaß and a welcoming speech by bvse President Henry Forster. With his usual deep and profound questions, the journalist discusses with the speakers and guests about the international recovered paper market, the dangers of cybercrime in the international trade business and other challenges and also opportunities for the recovered paper industry. Existential topics such as "Where do the dice fall on the EU Waste Shipment Regulation?" or "The end of the waste status of recovered paper and its significance for the recycling industry" promise interesting question-and-answer sessions. In addition, the lecture topics "Tissue - a future without recovered paper" and "Grass & Co. instead of recovered paper - are the new fibres a threat to recovered paper?" will provoke plenty of controversial discussions.

This year's event will also include the big bvse waste paper evening at 7 p.m. at the end of the conference and the exhibitor forum, which will accompany this industry event during the day from 9 a.m. with interesting information on products and services.