bvdm: Shortages on the paper markets can only be solved through dialogue

New bvdm presidium sets its sights on current and strategic issues for the future.

New bvdm presidium sets its sights on current and strategic issues for the future
© bvdm. The Executive Committee of the bvdm (from left to right): Philipp von Trotha, Verband Druck und Medien NordOst; Dr. Paul Albert Deimel, Bundesverband Druck und Medien; Dr. Steffen Leistner, Zschiesche GmbH; Oliver Curdt, Verband Druck + Medien Nord-West; Präsident Wolfgang Poppen, Freiburger Druck GmbH & Co. KG.; Sönke Boyens, Boyens MediaPRINT GmbH & Co KG; Holger Busch, Verband Druck und Medien Bayern.
Source:  Company news

At its constituent meeting on 2 November in Berlin, the bvdm's newly elected executive committee dealt directly with the most pressing problems facing the industry, first and foremost the supply bottlenecks and price increases on the paper markets. In view of the worsening situation, the bvdm had called for transparency and is now in a close and regular exchange with the top representatives of the paper industry and trade. It had already warned in the past of the danger that irrevocable collateral damage could result from this threatening development. Wolfgang Poppen, president of the bvdm, affirmed: "If paper shortages and price increases continue, this will inevitably exacerbate the trend towards online communication. And this will then be to the detriment of all partners along the entire value chain."

It is becoming increasingly important for the industry to have an even stronger political voice in Berlin and Brussels as well as - via the regional associations - in the regions. Only then will it be possible to preserve the freedom of advertising, which is so important for the industry, to refute arguments of print opponents and to prevent their demands for a shift from print to online. "It is becoming increasingly urgent to show how sustainable our industry already is. At the same time, we must make sustainable production an indispensable part of our canon of values," Poppen stressed.

In addition, the presidium dealt with other strategic issues for the future of the printing industry. The growing shortage of skilled workers and the unresolved problem of succession in many companies pose new challenges for companies and associations alike. "We want to meet these challenges in the future by intensifying the cooperation between the state associations and the national association," said Poppen, summarising the basic strategic considerations. For this reason, the composition of the bvdm's executive committee has been changed in order to manage the entire association organisation more efficiently in the future and to be able to react more quickly to the challenges of the industry. Thus, in addition to three honorary entrepreneurs and the bvdm General Manager, the new Executive Committee includes three managing directors of regional associations.