Birkner Verlag is a subsidiary of Dumrath und Fassnacht, which in turn is part of the Heise Group
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Within the Heise Group, Birkner Verlag forms its own niche. Here we have specialised in the beverage industry and the paper industry.

Birkner Verlag is a subsidiary publishing house of Dumrath und Fassnacht KG, which in turn belongs to the Heise Group. While Birkner specialises in business directories for the paper and beverage industry, Dumrath and Fassnacht focus on telephone directories and business directories.
But the Heise Group encompasses much more than that. It is about information services and media services of all kinds. Several hundred employees are involved in the production of magazines, books, directory media and the development and marketing of new media products.
Are you looking for a job in the media sector? Click here to go to the Heise Group job portal.