Bellmer continues to expand

It has been 10 years since Works 3, a spacious and modern production hall, was built in Enzberg. The three bays are used for the assembly of our Paper Technology machines and rebuilds. The turning shop and the modern roll manufacturing center are also located here. Works 3 in Enzberg is now being expanded by 2,100 square meters. In addition to the production area at Bellmer‘s headquarters in Niefern and Works 2 for the plants of the Separation Technology division in Niefern suburb, Bellmer Works 3 has the largest available area to date with 5,000 square meters.

Works 3 in Enzberg is now being expanded by 2,100 square meters.
© Bellmer GmbH
Source:  Company news

Bellmer has grown healthily in recent years and is looking positively to the future. In order to have sufficient capacities in the coming years, Bellmer is again investing in its production. This means that more assembly stations will be available for the large-scale assembly of complex paper machine subassemblies. Large projects can easily be handled in parallel and without major logistical effort. By expanding the available production area, process improvements will be realized in all production areas.

Two additional new bridge cranes, each with a load capacity of 40 tons, will make it possible to load and transport even the largest parts indoors without any problems. The new building will be designed according to the latest energy effi ciency standards and include a photovoltaic system on the roof. The electricity generated from this system will heat and power the primary energy requirements of the entire Works 3.

The building permit has already been issued. The groundbreaking ceremony for the expansion of the production area will take place in March 2022 with the completion of the hall before the end of the year. With this investment of over 4 million euros, Bellmer is also demonstrating its commitment to the region, creating new jobs and positioning itself for the future.